Hibbins cats

Dear journal,

This is the year 2077 . We want revenge… On the dog Ike . When we were not robot cats in the year 1999. That reached dog ate our FOOD! ALL OF IT so we planned on getting our shrink gun and shooting him with it and putting him in a jar with water only.. WE GOT IKE! we have him in the chamber ready to shrink him. He is pleading for us to not shrink him and let him go we said no. But then Mrs.Larue broke in we tried to catch them but she took off with our derp sonic car!!! So we just had milk and robot chips.

Zombie Cats

In a galaxy far far away a zombie cat hoard was created by Mrs Ummel! I never noticed it because pb and j  banana and I were dancing to “Peanut Butter Jelly time!”. Then I heard a horrid meowing at the door. I saw horrid looking zombie CATS trying to bite the door handle. All I had in my house to use was a laser pointer, but thankfully I knew were NASA was so I went through the back door into the backyard. After I told Pb and j banana to kill the music and come on so we went to the backyard/. The cats smelled us so we got on our Pb and J banana motorcycle and drove to NASA  and I got my laser pointer and led the cats into a rocket. They blasted off to outer space while Pb and J banana and I danced for a long time.